Happy World Environment Day: The FIM Joins the Sports for Nature Framework

Wednesday June 5, 2024 at 4:31pm
Happy World Environment Day: The FIM Joins the Sports for Nature Framework

The signature of the Sports for Nature Framework was approved unanimously by the FIM Board of Directors in Mies last May and was signed by the FIM President Jorge Viegas during the GP of Italy in Mugello last weekend.  This step marks an important milestone in the history of the FIM sustainability journey.

The Sports for Nature framework is defined by four main principles:
1: Protect nature and avoid damage to natural habitats and species; 
2: Restore and regenerate nature wherever possible; 
3: Understand and reduce risks to nature in your supply chains; 
4: Educate and inspire positive action for nature across and beyond sport.

Sports for Nature is a joint initiative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, International Olympic Committee, United Nations Environment Programme, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and Dona Bertarelli Philanthropy.

It aims to deliver transformative action for nature across sports, by 2030 and beyond, enabling sports to champion nature and contribute to its protection and restoration. It provides a game plan for sports — at all levels — to accelerate and inspire others to act for nature.

Meredith McCurdy, Programme Leader, Sports for Nature, IUCN stated:
“With its longstanding commitment to environmental sustainability, and ability to reach fans and riders globally, the FIM is well positioned to inspire action for nature and deliver concrete results on the ground. We are pleased to welcome the FIM to the Sports for Nature Framework and look forward to working with the Federation to complement their existing programmes, and to bringing their commitment into action,” 

Jorge Viegas, FIM President, added:
“With our FIM Ride Green programme, initiated in 1992, we have developed many measures to protect nature.  The initial Environmental Code, the first regulation code among the International Federations, dates back to 1994, and contains a series of measures to protect nature from possible adverse effects. Our dedicated organisers and the members of the FIM Family play a crucial role in our sustainability journey. Their contributions are not limited to off-road competitions but extend to circuits worldwide, demonstrating our collective commitment to sustainability. By joining the Sports for Nature Framework, we will add value to all our actions and we can continuing contributing and inspiring the entire FIM family and our fanbase.”

Listed below are some details of how the organisers have championed nature and contributed to the regeneration and restoration at all levels in the first quarter of this year:

Twin Ring Motegi recently organised the Hertz FIM TRIAL GP JAPAN and KiSS Motegi, which included the planting of seedlings of Chinese Hackberry (Cannabaceae, deciduous tree) in the facilities in Mobility Resort Motegi; Hello Woods built under the theme of “The forest of biodiversity” and in the Sections as a mark of the behaviour of Trial GP towards the environment. With the cooperation of FIM Ride Green Ambassador Takahisa Fujinami, the seedlings planted will grow into a tree that is indispensable for feeding butterflies such as the giant purple butterfly, which is the Japanese national butterfly. Mobility Resort Motegi continues to try to preserve living things in the forest of biodiversity in Hello Woods. 

During the Italian Grand Prix Brembo 31 May - 2 June: KiSS Mugello sustainability programme promoted biodiversity in the Mugello Valley.

Mugello circuit is a green lung of undoubted importance since it has 900,000 square metres of green areas and 300,000 square metres of wooded areas, in which 254 trees were planted in the period 2020-2021. Thanks to the two poplars (white and Italic) it is estimated that about 103,886 kg of CO2 (103,886 t of CO2) are assimilated. In short, a nice way to reduce emissions released into the atmosphere, directly reducing the impact on the environment. 

Back in April of this year, during the Enduro Grand Prix of Portugal in Fafe, local young school children planted 100 native saplings trees, part of the KISS (Keep it Shiny and Sustainable) programme promoted by FIM Ride Green. The kids were accompanied by FIM Ride Green Ambassador Alex Salvini.

The circuit of Barcelona Catalunya promotes actions in their forest and obtained 2023 BIOSPHERE certification. The Catalan track is a sports facility with more than 25 hectares of green areas. For this reason, in 2019 the circuit started a project to improve the biodiversity of its forest with the collaboration of Social Forest, a sustainable forest management company focused on the training and integration of young people who are in a situation of social exclusion or unemployment. BOSCAT is currently the company following the initial project with Dual Training students.

To improve biodiversity, an autochthonous, autonomous, more attractive and environmentally responsible ecosystem is recreated, and educational and recreational value is added thanks to the descriptive support of the actions in the forest itself.

The 2024 FIM International Six Days of Enduro (ISDE) also join the FIM Sustainability Week as it presents the event today in Pontevedra Spain.

Specialists in the area will collaborate with experts from the International Sustainability Commission to develop an ambitious sustainability plan. This plan will involve preparing an Environmental impact assessment and a series of activities aimed at supporting the region's biodiversity.

In the Galicia region where the competition will take place, there is a significant issue with the presence of exotic invasive species such as Acacia mimosa o Acacia Dealbata, and Cortaderia Selloana, which have taken root in Galicia. As part of the planned activities, there will be a systematic removal of these species. 

This action aims to aid in the restoration of the native vegetation. The organisation will be collaborating with the Galicia Ambiental Association to carry out this initiative. Another aspect of the sustainability plan is regarding climate action. All the direct emissions the participants produce will be neutralised by native tree planting.   

The event also adheres to the FIM Environmental Code, which requires the participants to comply with international and national regulations. Routes and facilities will be chosen with the goal of having the least negative impact possible.

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