Event/ACU Paperwork

A full set of Event Paperwork can be obtained from the Sporting Commission Co-Ordinator

Procedures & Safety Arrangements for events using Forestry Agreement land
Enduro Forestry Paperwork - Natural Resources Wales (FOO2)
Enduro Forestry Paperwork - FC Authorisation (FOO1) and Examples of Hazards 
Event Cancellation Flyer 
Event Insurance Proposal Form

Governing Body Endorsement for Non-European Economic Area (EEA) Nationals

The governing body endorsement (GBE) requirements for those non-European Economic Area (EEA) nationals employed within motorcycle sport in 2022/23 are set out in this document click here.These requirements were agreed following consultation with Associated bodies/Sponsors/Teams and motorcycle clubs affiliated to the ACU.

Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400
Email: admin@acu.org.uk