Equal gender opportunities crucial for the development of motorcycling

Monday June 3, 2024 at 8:43pm
Equal gender opportunities crucial for the development of motorcycling

Within the framework of the FIM Sustainability Week, the FIM Women´s Commission is pleased to present a significant document that compiles a series of recommendations that will be the foundations for the organisation on this matter. Gender equality is intrinsically linked with sustainable development and achieving this equality in our organisation.
Having been ratified by the FIM Board of Directors, the recommendations are the result of a fully inclusive consultation process that involved guidance from the International Olympic Committee and input from the wider FIM family. The overall framework is designed to support and encourage ongoing development in the required areas through three main points of focus, those being.

1: Portrayal guidelines – according to the previous issued HERE
2: Increasing female athlete participation
3: Increasing female representation in key and decision making roles

With the FIM taking the lead, national federations will be able to adapt and adopt the recommendations to best suit their local requirements and circumstances, whilst still respecting the fundamental principle of ensuring equality between women and men. The FIM Deputy CEO and Operations Director and CFM Director will be responsible for implementing the strategy with the support of the entire management team.

With careful consideration and monitoring at each level of participation, volunteering, leadership, coaching positions, and media presentation, those responsible will be able to determine the year-on-year progress being made in terms of gender equality within the FIM family and wider motorcycling community.

Janika Judeika, FIM Women’s Commission Director explained: “This tool has been developed for the institution and for the national federations to ultimately increase female participation in all sporting and non-sporting activities, in a structured consultative process with the FIM administration, commissions, FMNs and athletes, in line with the IOC guidelines. The objectives and actions outlined in the document will serve as a blueprint for the Women’s Commission work in the next couple of years. We are determined to implement these actions and evaluate their efficiency by collecting the relevant data and making the necessary adjustments as we go along. We believe that motorcycling can benefit greatly as a sport from having equal number of men and women involved in its different levels and aspects.”

FIM Equal Gender Opportunities Recommendations HERE

FIM Communications


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