Tuesday October 20, 2015 at 2:06pm
The Hillsbrough Motor Cycle Club will stage the ninth and final event in the Normandale Traditional Trials Championship on Sunday in the heartlands of the Jack Wood National Trial around Bradfield in South Yorkshire on Sunday.
In terms of numbers exactly eighty riders will start the one lap no stop trial with five and quarter hours to ride thirty six sections. Andy Longden and his Hillsborough team have stuck with old favourites Bents, Spoon Lane, Hall Broome that accommodate a dozen sections. The final three groups included Ughill, and petrol, the Buckleys and time off after nine sections in Ughill. As far as the championship classes it would seem that only Class A and B are wrapped up with Tim Blackmore and Martin Wilmore well clear even after the dropscore is in the mathematics.
Howard Dixon has a twenty point lead over David Bathe in Class C. Graham Haslam leads Class D as do Stephen Farrell in Class E and Chris Koch so those three classes are marginal.
The start time has been brought down to 09.00 in view of the rapid Autumn sun dropping below the skyline.