Fell Side Auto Club would like to invite ACU members to enter the Northern Classic Trial on 14th February 2015. Having run since 2000 and gained the Association of Classic Trials Clubs Trial of the Year in 2007 and 2012, the trial has gained a reputation as a challenging and competitive competition nationally. Fell Side regularly receive feedback after the trial complementing them on the quality and friendliness of the trial.
Based in Wigton, North Cumbria, there is a circular route of 54 road miles with a further 20 or so on forest tracks. Many bike competitors comment on their pleasure in being able to ride out on forest roads and also the superb views. There will be 15 competitive sections and a further 2 times Special Tests, 13 of the sections being within North Lakes forests. The route culminates with the now famous Sandale section, counted amongst many triallers as one of their top ten sections.
To get a flavour of the trial, there are a number of videos on Youtube under Northern Classic Trial. Unfortunately there are no videos taken by bike riders but those from cars still give a flavour of the competition. Regulations can be downloaded from www.fellsideac.co.uk You will be guaranteed a fun day with plenty of weather be it rain, sleet, snow, sunshine, fog, mist or possibly a combination of all. If you cannot compete but fancy a day out in the North Lake forest, offers to assist with marshalling are always welcome by emailing Myke Pocock at