Milton Park MX Track Upgrade

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 3:14pm
Milton Park MX Track Upgrade

During the recent weeks ACU Events have been busy working on changes to improve the Milton Park MX Circuit near Northampton, this will be in time for the new race season.

Over the winter months ACU Events have invested in sinking a 70 metre borehole into the ground allowing for a continued supply of water. Also during recent weeks, ACU Events have made a number of slight changes to the layout of the circuit to help aid the flow of racing. Along with the changes to the layout, hundreds of tonnes of wood chipping have been brought into the circuit to help contain moisture in the soil.

Stuart Drummond of ACU Events says “with the scheduled dry summer ahead it is hoped that with the introduction of the borehole and the wood chip, we will be able to keep the circuit in great condition".

With all the improvements now in place, ACU Events will be hosting an Open Day Practice on Saturday 14th April, just one week prior to the opening round of the all new British Youth Nationals Championship on the 21st and 22nd April.

The practice day will be open to all riders from Youth to Adult, starting at 10am on Saturday 14th April. The Practice day is also only six weeks before the fourth round of the Maxxis ACU British Motocross Championship.

Any riders wishing to take part in the practice day should contact Stuart Drummond by email at or by telephone on 01788 566432

» Categories: Club News, Motocross
Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400