ACU Child/Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy

ACU Child/Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy

ACU believes that all children/vulnerable adults have the right to be safe and enjoy their involvement in motor sport. ACU is committed to helping and supporting everyone involved to accept their personal and collective responsibility to safeguard children/vulnerable adults from harm or abuse.

ACU is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all children/vulnerable adults to participate in motor sport.

All Participants who work with children in a Regulated or whose activities are covered by ACU Regulations are required at all times to fully comply with this policy and all supporting guidance published from time to time.


ACU Policy Statement:

• The welfare of the child/vulnerable adult is paramount

• All children/vulnerable adults regardless of age gender ability or disability, faith, size, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from harm and abuse of any type.

• All allegations, suspicions of harm and/or abuse and related concerns will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly fairly and appropriately

• Everyone is required to work in partnership to promote the welfare, health, safety and development of children


The ACU’s lead Safeguarding Officer is:

Matthew Edwards-Wear

Secretary General

ACU House

Wood Street


CV21 2YX



ACU Child Safeguarding Policy


ACU Club Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct


ACU Club Safeguarding Officer Role Description


ACU Safeguarding Referral Form


ACU Anti Bullying Policy and Guidelines


ACU Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400