ACU Benevolent Fund
News from the Fund History of the Fund and more detailed information Our Contacts Overview
- The ACU Benevolent Fund was established in April 1950
- Registered with the Charities Commission
- Funded from donations, fund raising events and the sale of T.T. Badges
- Provides help for past and present ACU Members and their families when in financial difficulty
- The Fund is not a form of insurance but a charity there to give help in times of hardship
Aid from the fund can be obtained via ACU Affiliated Clubs through the ACU Centre Benevolent Fund Officer (CBFO) and the request for assistance will be considered by the Benevolent Fund Committee.
A request form, seeking information on an individual's need will be completed and all information is treated with complete confidentiality and is strictly to help the committee see how best they can help.
In very special circumstances the Committee has the power to make emergency payments pending full information.
The Committee has to exercise extreme caution when deciding what help is applied since the Fund is entirely reliant on donations from ACU members and other fund raising sources. Some of these grants are one-off payments and others are for longer periods. Therefore, the fund needs all the support it can get from members as there may be a time when you or a member of your family may need help.
Grants are not restricted solely to the competitive members and officials, other club members can request assistance if they are in hardship.
Should you wish to make a donation, please send a cheque or postal order made payable to 'ACU Benevolent Fund' to the address below.
Alternatively, a direct bank transfer can be made to:-
Account Name: AUTO-CYCLE UNION BENEVOLENT FUND Account No: 65005480 Sort Code: 08-92-99 Bank: The Co-Operative Bank
When making a bank transfer please email details of the amount and source of the donation to the Ben Fund Treasurer, Margaret Carter on
If you are a UK tax payer you can add gift aid to your donation at no extra cost as HMRC will make this additional payment to us. Please ask for a gift aid form when making your donation or Click Here to Download.
Contact Us
The Auto-Cycle Union Benevolent Fund
ACU House
Wood Street
CV21 2YX
Phone: 01788 566400