75th Anniversary of The ACU Benevolent Fund

Tuesday March 18, 2025 at 2:03pm
75th Anniversary of The ACU Benevolent Fund
17th April 2025 sees the 75th Anniversary of The Auto Cycle Union Benevolent Fund. 

Set up in 1950, the Fund, which is a Registered Charity, is there to assist past and present members of the ACU and their families in times of financial hardship.  Hardship can occur for many reasons, often due to an accident, (not essentially motorcycle related), illness, bereavement and at times, in the most distressing of circumstances.

The Trustees and Administrative Committee of the Fund are extremely grateful for all the help they have received over the past 75 years.   In the past 10 years alone, they have awarded Grants in excess of £670,000.

Fund raising of all kinds, donations and the purchase of the Annual TT Badge is essential.  Thank You to those of you who have supported the Fund.  However, for the work to continue for many years to come they cannot do this without your help.

The Fund has Representatives in all areas of the UK, from the North of Scotland to Cornwall and not forgetting the Isle of Man.

More detailed information about the work of The Auto Cycle Union Benevolent Fund and their Representatives and how to donate can be found on their dedicated page of the ACU Official Website: www.acu.org.uk

Help the Ben Fund to continue their good work - you never know when you or a member of your family might need their help.

Happy 75th Anniversary ACU Benevolent Fund

Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400
Email: admin@acu.org.uk