Illegal Riding of Motorcycles in Thetford Forest

Tuesday January 7, 2025 at 10:33am

Illegal Riding of Motorcycles in Thetford Forest – The problem continues and future Enduro events are now seriously at risk

Whilst Diss MCC is confident that the current illegal riding in Thetford Forest is nothing to do with authorised enduro event competitors, unfortunately the actions of some off-road motorcyclists are now seriously affecting the future of the Forest Enduros.

Last weekend, a large rogue group of motocross, trail, enduro and even quad bikes failed to keep to authorised byways and illegally entered different sections of Thetford Forest, including areas where authorised enduros are held under a permit. This significantly impacts on the safety of other forest users, including horse riders and an authorised Sled Dog race at the weekend.

Several reports have now been made to Thetford Police and to Forestry England. Follow up action is proposed and those riding illegally should expect prosecutions to follow!

Despite having successfully run authorised ACU events in Thetford Forest for 43 years, the future of these forest events is in question. The club, in discussions with Forestry England will need to evaluate the best way forward from an environmental and safety perspective for all forest users.

If you know anyone linked to these rogue groups, please try and get a message to them to ensure this illegal and reckless activity ceases.

» Categories: Club News, Home Page, Motocross, Enduro
Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400