Friday June 14, 2024 at 12:34pm

Great Britain’s Leon Flint makes his full SGP2 debut tonight (Friday) in the first round of the 2024 World Under-21 series at Swedish venue Malilla.

The Birmingham and Glasgow rider held his nerve in his qualifier last Saturday where he made it into the series by claiming the all-important second place in a three-man run off to claim the fourth and final qualifying place.

Flint has experience of the SGP2 series previously having competed as a Wild Card in Cardiff in 2022; however, as a permanent rider in this year’s series the former British Under-21 and Under-19 Champion will be aiming to be in contention for a medal position overall.

Flint said: “It is important to make a good start to the series and the first aim tonight is to try and get into the semi-finals, and from there we all start equal again and who knows what can be achieved from there.

“I am absolutely delighted to have qualified, and now I am here I want to do the best I can and achieve some good results for everyone that has supported me since the start of my career.

“This is my last year in this competition, so I am going to give it everything and see where we end up come September.”

After tonight’s round the series moves onto Riga in Latvia in early September before the finale at Torun, Poland later that month.

Meanwhile Dan Thompson has been named third substitute for the series, and although he will not be involved in the first round this evening, there is every possibility he may be called up for either Round 2 or 3 in September.

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