Widespread Illegal Off-Road Riding increasingly puts Motorcycle Sport in a bad light

Thursday February 25, 2021 at 12:29pm
Widespread Illegal Off-Road Riding increasingly puts Motorcycle Sport in a bad light

Issued: 25th February 2021

Whilst most of us are adhering to UK Government advice/guidance during the current lockdown, just as the Prime Minister was announcing the Roadmap which will steer the country through a safe passage to come out the other side of the pandemic, the selfish act of some has again put motorbikes and motorcycle sport in a bad light.

Last weekend in South Yorkshire, in one day police registered 77 offences of individuals riding illegally in an area north of Sheffield.  Reports would suggest that some of those bikes that were seized belonged to ACU licence holders.  The same reports were also received from South Wales where Natural Resources Wales and Gwent police seized bikes in a carefully planned operation.

Illegal Off-Road riding has been on the increase and without doubt puts motorcycle sport in a poor light.  The ACU adopt a zero-tolerance approach to this sort of selfish and irresponsible behaviour and are currently working with both South Wales and South Yorkshire police to identify those riders involved and once identified those riders, irrespective of whom they are will find themselves suspended from all ACU competition which for some will prevent their participation in British, European and World competition.

Roy Humphrey, ACU Chairman said ‘Considering that the country is still in a national lockdown, it really is disappointing to see and read that this sort of irresponsible behaviour is taking place and that it has been highlighted so much on Social Media.  The ACU do not condone the actions of these individuals and as such we are fervently working with local police forces of South Wales and South Yorkshire to identify the perpetrators to take action against them.  This will most likely be a suspension on the individuals licence which will prevent any competitive action for some time’. 

The ACU will continue to monitor illegal off-road riding and a zero tolerance approach will be applied to anyone caught riding their motorcycles illegally which brings motorcycle sport and the ACU into disrepute.

Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400
Email: admin@acu.org.uk