Manx 2 Day Trial 2021 Announcement

Thursday February 11, 2021 at 4:00pm
Manx 2 Day Trial 2021 Announcement

Due to the continuing uncertainties regarding Covid-19 and the Isle of Man borders remaining closed at this time, the Committee of the Manx 2 Day Trial have, with much regret decided that the 2021 event must be cancelled. We realise that this will be disappointing to many people. However, we are making this early decision to provide everyone involved in the event as much notice as possible. 

In the unlikely event that our borders are reopened in the very near future and travel between the UK and the IOM is permitted once more we will reconsider this decision and try to offer a weekend's trial to our visiting competitors.

The Committee would like to reassure all involved that we will be back in 2022 with a trial to be enjoyed by all on our wonderful Island!   Entries for 2022 will open at the end of November. 

Finally, the Committee would like to thank everyone for their continued support and look forward to 2022 when we hope that Covid-19 will be well behind us.

Note to competitors:

In 2020, we carried over entries to 2021, unless a competitor requested a refund of their entry fee, we were delighted that almost unanimously, all the competitors entered into the 2020 trial asked for their entries to be carried over.  However, as we have again had to cancel our event, we feel that it is now only fair to offer to refund all entry fees that are held by us.   We will therefore be contacting competitors by email in due course.

Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400