Exemption Letters for Travel – Urgent Update

Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 9:29am
Exemption Letters for Travel – Urgent Update

The ACU advises all holders of letters of exemption (from isolation on arrival in England) that with immediate effect such letters issued before 4 January 2021 are now withdrawn.

If you need a new exemption letter you will need to reapply. Please read this update carefully.

Elite Sport Exemption does not apply to countries on the government ‘Red List’. A letter of exemption is of no effect in relation to a person who has travelled directly to England from a Red List country, or indirectly within 10 days of leaving the Red List country. Such persons must isolate/quarantine as directed by Government, which from 15 February 2021 includes hotel quarantine. For such persons arriving in England, the Test to Release scheme cannot be used.

A person who has been to a Red List country but after leaving it has then undertaken a clear 10 day (before the date of arrival in England) stopover in any non-Red List country before entering England will not be subject to the UK Government Red List regime. All such persons remain subject to the UK Government non Red List isolation measures, except to the extent that they are exempt under the Government Stage 4 Return to Cross Border Sport Guidance.

As from 11 February, The ACU is obliged to report to DCMS all Exemptions granted, and they will be matched against the Government criteria. All Exemptions are event / competition specific and you must specify them in your Application.

Domestic ancillary sportspeople are no longer exempt from isolation if they have travelled abroad to support a person who is NOT a domestic elite sportsperson.

With immediate effect, Government has dictated that the only valid exemptions that can be granted to domestic elite sportspersons and ancillary persons are in respect of training (testing) for an Olympic / Paralympic Event.

International elite and domestic elite sportsperson exemptions continue to be available, but are now subject to rigour so far as ancillary persons truly being essential to the activities of the sportsperson or to the running of the Event. There is a list of such persons here. Ancillary sportspersons should be accredited by the Organiser.

Until we obtain Government clarification, letters of exemption will only be granted to persons attending Events listed on the FIM International Calendars.

Letters of exemption granted by The ACU are only valid for the specified event / competition, and in any case expire after 30 calendar days from the date of issue.

You will need to complete the public health passenger locator form before you travel back to the UK. You need to take a coronavirus test and be in possession of an acceptable negative test result certificate before travelling to England. Check the coronavirus test requirements before returning.

You may be additionally required to take a test, or provide a negative test result, by the Organiser or Venue owner/operator for any Event in order to be admitted.

While overseas you must abide by UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office guidance, and all local laws and guidance.

Be aware that any breach of the law may render you liable to criminal prosecution, and any breach of the ACU Regulations in respect of COVID-19 may render you liable to disciplinary action.

Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby.
CV21 2YX.
Telephone: 01788 566400
Email: admin@acu.org.uk