Salop Motor Club have now changed the date for the 2019 Be Wiser Hawkstone International in association with Bridgestone from the 3rd February to a later date of the 17
th February. This is closer to the start of the GP season and should therefore encourage more top riders to come and compete at Hawkstone before their season kicks off. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Gary Ford - "We feel a new later date was important to allow us more opportunity to secure bigger riders to come and compete. We are pleased with the date of the 17
th February and look forward to seeing everyone there. Once again thank you Be Wiser and Bridgestone for supporting the event again."
Entries are now open for the MX1 - MX2 and MXY2 classes, please e-mail Gary Ford about entries. Gary Ford -
As and when things begin to happen for the event the latest information will be on